16 Masonic Lodge on the Moon
I joined the tranquility Lodge 2000. It's been an interesting group. I may go to a meeting in person some point but it's a life membership. I still have to keep my blue Lodge membership active though it's just kind of more of a philosophical charitable Lodge membership. It cost about 500 bucks.
I have been a Freemason since 2009 and I will continue my blue watch membership is a Master Mason in Iowa based Lodge this one I did more for the trivial aspect of it and the thing that helps science and masonry it kind of goes hand in hand it's a $500 lifetime membership but if I don't pay my blue Lodge dues for my Iowa Lodge I'm not recognized as a Mason it's mostly just a ceremonious thing but it was still cool to join and I'm glad I did I'm not sure how many other people would find much value out of this but.
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