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1001 days later goals 3.0 DONE!!!!

 So this is what a 1,001 days later looks like been interesting. I had a lot of things change relationship wise. The two big ones were the changes in women in my life. I lost my mother over the last 1,001 days but I'd say in the last year or so but really the last 90 days or so maybe a little longer. I've been seeing a woman so that's been cool and she's like the life enriching  kind so that's even better :)  I've gotten a lot of goals knocked out. I'll look at the exact number but I believe it's 60. Plus I think things overall went well. I'm going to have to write some more stuff and do that. out of my 12 carry over goals from the last goals all but 3 got knocked out.  I went to  the ER once which is really low for me and it was more of. I stretch too much and pushed too much and also kind of had anxiety around Christmas last year. Never worked any food bank food kitchen. I felt like I organized these goals fairly well. I'm working on my next l...

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3 See a live play at a community theater & 61 See a Broadway play/musical

81 go to a Quaker meeting

2. attend two conventions that I have not attended before went to

46 publish a video every week or more often & 47.Have a blog post weekly.

76 eat at fogo de chao done

101 get a membership with the state library of Iowa Done

900 day update


66 Cook with Karen & 6. See family in Ames 49

45 Get 1000 subs and get monetized done but NO $$$ yet :( got the subs and over 1k videos done.