300th day update

So today is the anniversary of Pearl harbor that actually wasn't my grandfather joining the Marine corps and fighting in World war II. And now today is the 300th day of my current 101 goals. This is what I've accomplished in the last 300 days. I would say my main accomplishment would be the concrete work, but I'm happy with a lot of the other stuff I've gotten done too.

15 genealogy society done 

I am now life member of the county genealogy society. The genealogical society. It was $500. It's an all volunteer group. They really have the most expansive information on family history and on the towns and the little villages and all the stuff and they're very accessible and reasonable to work with. There's a number of historical societies in Iowa. Some of them are cool. Some of them are the most arrogant. Impossible people to interact with that just make you hate local history. Luckily this group is an awesome group to work with and I would highly recommend them. That is why I joined.

25 expand my tool collection for both home computer and automobile

I want to feel more comfortable driving. I got a variety of different tools to help with that and OBD2 scanner. I purchase one of those and it's a nice one. I'll do a special post for that one. Some Christmas hits and then I'm going to actually open it. A lot of these things for my tool collection or Christmas presents. I got like a box cutter set and scissors from Sam's Club for 10 bucks. I just tried to get tools and things too help me with things in life and also enrich my life and make it better

32 Extend and expand the sidewalk 

This is probably the biggest accomplishment of the last 100 days. I've been wanting to expand my sidewalk for quite a while and maybe put a pad in so I could put a ramp in and help the tenants next door but luckily a neighbor of mine. He has two rental properties about seven units between the two properties and 50 grand worth of concrete work done. I talked to that true right when they started working on his place and the next week they did 10 grand of work at mine. I now have a concrete patio area or parking pad. Everything connects from the driveway to the main house. It's all connected and it's really nice and I'm really happy about it. And I think long term will be is the smart thing to do in the right thing to do.


41 get a medical bracelet and or alert system

I kind of went and unorthodox way with this. I still might get a bracelet for myself. I'll just see. I also might do like a health watch or smart watch thing. My mother has her main phone which is an Android and then I got her a backup phone which is an easy phone and that one's $30 a year with red pocket and it's just a simple emergency phone. I'm going to work with her and get that all totally set up but I felt like 38 year was good and then that way she can reach us. She can dial 911 when she goes to the bathroom. She didn't have to worry about lugging her phone around or other times and she doesn't want to have it on her or worry about it or need it. This is a good backup solution

This is a non-profit medical alert bracelet company. I'm thinking of getting one from them. I'm not sure yet. It I feel like giving more information and having a resource like that would be better than that. Especially if you're 50 bucks. I know I got my medical list of my wallet and I have a variety of other things but I don't know. It's kind of like how I wake up and redundant season backups. This would be another one of those. So yeah

42 Get enough MRE/ Free dried to have 2 weeks of food

I have been working on prepping and stockpiling various things. I have my generator fully configured now. I'm not sure if I really have 2 weeks of food here but I'm damn close. I feel I've been just buying packs and deals and freeze dried stuff. I don't know how much I like it or whatever. I should try some of it more but I'm just happy that I'd have food in case an emergency kit. They say really 72 hours but I feel like 2 weeks is probably better. But then I think that if you get too long a food you know you really want to be alive in that situation you know like years and years of that. I feel like I can always add more to this. I always like to have this stuff after the dercheo. I knew that I needed to help stack up and prepare for myself for a lot of issues that could arise from natural disasters to grid, disruptions, etc

50 set up an e-commerce website done 
I have kind of a half ass set up e-commerce website right now. I haven't made any money with it and it's whatever I feel like. I have a lot of potential to you and I'm hoping that 2023. I'll actually have a series of websites and online content that actually generates revenue for me. That would be I don't know the 2023.  miracle but we'll see how everything goes

51 Sell something on an online auction almost 
I just listed my first thing on eBay near the end of November. It did not sell. Wow! What a great thing! And now the items are relisted. It's such an amazing tool and I'm so glad it's getting utilized and all these things eBay or eBay? Febay. Maybe something that I'll try more. I haven't been overly impressed but I don't only if they listed two things so we'll see how all the other stuff goes. I can list up to 100 things for free. I'm going to see how this business goes.


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