17 Member-owner of more cooperatives Joined

 17 Member-owner of more cooperatives 

Joined a few already will join more 

Frontier cooperative 


Got some food from these guys got a lifetime membership for $10 

New deal cafe co-op


I joined the new deal cafe for the 50 bucks. I have a 2-year membership. I dig the ideas and ideals of this group. I really think it's interesting community building and then it's a renewal fear 25 bucks a year. I may or may not do that. We'll see



Linn oil cooperative

Photo co-op

I am working on applying to this co-op. I might do that this week or something. We'll see. I don't have high hopes they'll take me the first time, but I think eventually I could become a member of this co-op.

as I find more I will join more....


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